Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bronius Dobrovolskis
Training Students for Teaching Career
A Lithuanian educationalist, linguist. Doctor (social sciences; candidate in educational sciences (1968). He graduated from Telšiai Teachers Seminary in 1951, Klaipėda Teachers Institute in 1953, Vilnius Institute of Educational Sciences in 1956, and Vilnius University in 1965. He taught in Klaipėda (1951-1953) and Klaipėda District (1953-1956) schools; in 1956-1958 he was the Principal of Klaipėda District Plikiai Secondary School. From 1958 to 1962 he worked at the Research Institute of Educational Sciences, from 1965 to 1973 he was the Head of the Institute department, and from 1980 to 1987 he was the Director of the Institute. In 1973-1980 he was the Head of the School Board of the Ministry of Education; in 1987-1993 he was the Head of the Department of Lithuanian Language and Literature of the Institute of Teacher Qualifications of Lithuania; an associate professor (1984). From 1993 to 2000 he lectured at Vilnius University.
His scientific interests include language teaching methodology and language culture. He has written language textbooks for the sixth (with co-authors, 1973, 1983), eighth-ninth (1988, 1998), ninth (in co-authorship with R. Koženiauskienė 2005, 2006), tenth (in co-authorship with R. Koženiauskienė, 2000) forms, methodological and teaching aids, compiled the teaching aids “Lietuvių kalbos rašybos kartojimo pratimai” (Revision Exercises on the Lithuanian Spelling) (2018), and “Lietuvių kalbos skyrybos kartojimo pratimai“ (Revision Exercises on the Lithuanian Punctuation) (2019).

Prof. Habil. Dr. Evalda Jakaitienė
Bilingual Lithuanian Lexicography Yesterday and Today
A Lithuanian linguist. Habil. Dr. (humanities; philology, 1988). She graduated from Vilnius University in 1962 and taught in it until 2006; she became a professor in 1989. From 1988 to 1991 and from 1994 to 1996 she was the Head of the Department of Lithuanian Language. She worked at the University of Oslo from 1991 to 1993.
She analyses suffixal verbs in Lithuanian (“Veiksmažodžių daryba: Priesagų vediniai” / Formation of Verbs: Suffixal Derivatives, 1973), the lexical meaning of nominative words in modern Lithuanian (“Leksinė semantika” / Lexical Semantics, 1988), lexicography (“Leksikografija” / Lexicography, 2005), and the history of written Norwegian.
She has written study guides for higher education institutions (“Lietuvių kalbos morfologija” / Morphology of the Lithuanian-Language, with co-authors, 1976; “Lietuvių kalbos leksikologija” / Lexicology of the Lithuanian Language, 1980), a textbook of the Lithuanian language for foreigners (“Lietuviškai apie Lietuvą” / About Lithuanian in Lithuanian, 1994, revised edition 1995). She published books “Lietuvių kalbos leksikologijos ir morfologijos pratybos” (Practical Tasks in Lexicology and Morphology, with co-authors, 1980); , “Ką ir kaip reiškia žodžiai“ (What and How Do the Words Mean, 1986), “Lietuvių–norvegų kalbų žodynas” (Dictionary of Lithuanian-Norwegian, with co-authors, 2001), “Lietuvių–norvegų kalbų žodynas” (Dictionary of Lithuanian-Norwegian, in co-authorship with S. Berg-Olsen, 2007); “Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos gramatika” (Grammar of Modern Lithuanian, with co-authors,1994, 1997); An Order of St. Olaf, Knight’s Cross (Norway, 1998).

Prof. Habil. Dr. Regina Koženiauskienė
A Lithuanian linguist, translator. Habil. Dr. (humanities, 2001). In 1967 graduated from Vilnius University (classical phylology) and has lectured therein (initially she was involved in administrative and teaching activities); in 1996-2006 she was the Head of the Department of Lithuanian Language; a professor (2002).
The focus of her research is on rhetoric and Old Lithuanian written language. She has written such works as “XVI–XVIII amžiaus prakalbos ir dedikacijos” (Forewords and Dedications of the XVI–XVIII c., 1990, with translations from Latin, Polish, and German), “Retorika: Iškalbos stilistika” (Rhetoric: The Style of Eloquence, 1999, 2001), “Juridinė retorika” (Legal Rhetoric, 2005). She translated from Polish such works in verses as Jan Czeczot’s “Giesmelės apie senovės lietuvius iki 1434 metų” (Folk Songs About Ancient Lithuanians up to 1434, 1994) and “Sodiečio dainos” / The Gardener’s Songs (2019), S. Daugirdas’ “Genealogija, arba Trumpas didžiųjų Lietuvos kunigaikščių ir jų didžių bei narsių žygių aprašymas” (Genealogy, or Brief Description of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and their Great and Courageous Campaigns, 2001), Eugenius Rene’s works (e.g. the book “Poezija. Žemaičių vaizdeliai” (Poetry, Images of Samogitians, 2019).
She wrote an anthology of works about Lithuania in the Polish language “Lietuva, mūsų mieloji motina“ (Litwo, Nasza matko miła, in co-authorship with A. Christmas and M. Nedzwedzka, 1996), a collection in English on M. Mažvydas “Martynas Mažvydas and Old Lithuania” (1998), and the Polish text of A. Rotundas “Lenko pasikalbėjimas su lietuviu” (A Talk of a Polish with a Lithuanian, 2000). She was a co-author of Lithuanian language books and other educational books for secondary schools.

Prof. Habil. Dr. Vitas Labutis
Syntax Researches at Vilnius University
A Lithuanian linguist. Habil. Dr. (humanities, 1994). He graduated from Vilnius University in 1957. In 1957-1966, he worked at the Institute of Lithuanian Language and Literature. In 1966-1972, he lectured in Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (in 1968-1972 he was the Head of the Department of Lithuanian Language and Literature), in 1972-2001 he lectured in the Faculty of Philology; Professor (1996).
He analyses syntax, functional grammar, and text linguistics of the Lithuanian language. The most important of his works is “Lietuvių kalbos sintaksė” (Syntax of the Lithuanian Language, 2 parts, 1994, 2002). He is a co-author of “Akademinė Lietuvių kalbos gramatika” (Academic Grammar of the Lithuanian Language, vol. 2-3, 1971-1976), “Kalbos praktikos patarimai” Language Practice Advice, 1976, 1985), a grammar of the Lithuanian language in Russian (Grammatika litovskogo jazyka, 1985), “Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos gramatika” (Grammar of Modern Lithuanian, 1994, 2005).
He has published study guides “Žodžių junginių problemos” (Issues of Word Combinations, 1976), “Lietuvių kalbos sintaksės pratybos” (Exercises on Syntax of the Lithuanian Language, 2 parts, 1998-2000). He is one of the compilers and the editor of one part of English-Lithuanian Dictionary of Everyday Phraseology, Mansen Martin H. “Anglų– lietuvių kalbų kasdienių frazeologizmų žodynas” (1999). He has written a dictionary of Daukšiai District “Daukšių krašto žodynas” (2002).

Prof. Habil. Dr. Aldona Paulauskienė
A Lithuanian linguist. Habil. Dr. (humanities; doctor of Philology, 1981). She is an honorary doctor of the University of Latvia (2005). In 1958, she graduated from Vilnius University. In 1959, she worked at the Institute of Lithuanian Language and Literature, in 1960-1961 – at the Republican Institute of Scientific-Technical Information and Propaganda. In 1964-2005 she was a lecturer at Vilnius University (in 1991-1994 she was the Head of the Department of Lithuanian Language); a professor (1983). Since 1998, she has taught at Kaunas University of Technology.
The main field of her research is the morphology of the Lithuanian language, especially the verb. She has written study guides such as “Lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžių veikslai” (Verb Aspects of the Lithuanian Language, 1965), “Leksinės‑gramatinės lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžio reikšmės” (Lexical-Grammatical Meanings of Verbs of the Lithuanian Language, 1967), “Veiksmažodžio asmens kategorija” (The Category of Person of Verbs of the Lithuanian Language, 1969), “Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodis” (The Verb in Modern Lithuanian, 1971), “Lietuvių kalbos morfologija: paskaitos studentams” (Morphology of the Lithuanian Language: Lectures for Students, 1994), “Dabartinė lietuvių kalba: vadovas užsienio studentams” (Modern Lithuanian: a Textbook for Foreign Students, in co-authorship with L. Valeika, 1994), “Lietuvių kalbos morfologijos pagrindai” (Fundamentals of Morphology of the Lithuanian Language, 2006, revised edition 2015), a teaching aid “Lietuvių kalbos morfologijos pratybos” (Exercises on Morphology of the Lithuanian Language, 2009).
Other works include “Lietuvių kalbos morfologija” (Morphology of the Lithuanian Language, with co-authors, 1976), “Gramatinės lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžio kategorijos” (Grammatical Categories of Verbs of the Lithuanian Language, 1979), “Lietuvių kalbos morfologijos apybraiža” (A Study on Morphology of the Lithuanian Language, 1983), “Gramatikos normos ir dabartinė vartosena“ (Grammatical Norms and Modern Usage, in co-authorship with D. Tarvydaite, 1986), “Gramatinės lietuvių kalbos vardažodžių kategorijos” (Grammatical Categories of Nominal Words in the Lithuanian Language, 1989), “Gramatinės formos ir jų vartojimas” (Grammatical Forms and their Usage, in co-authorship with R. Miliūnaite, 2002, 2009).
She compiled a Dictionary of Druskininkai dialect “Druskininkų tarmės žodynas” (in co-authorship with Naktinienė, Vitkauskas, 1988). She is a co-author of Language Practice Tips “Kalbos praktikos patarimai” (1976, supplemented and amended 1985). She wrote books “Žodyno normos ir dabartinė vartosena” (Lexical Norms and Current Usage, in co-authorship with D. Tarvydaite, 1998), “Lietuvių kalbos kultūra” (Lithuanian Language Culture, 2000, 2004), “Teisininkų kalba ir bendrosios normos” (Legalese and Standard Norms, 2004), “Pirmosios lietuvių kalbos gramatikos” (First Lithuanian Grammars, 2006), a monograph “Svarbesniosios XX amžiaus lietuvių kalbos gramatikos” (Major Grammars of the 20th c. Lithuanian Language, 2015). She has written articles on a number of issues of the verb, language culture, and stylistics of the Lithuanian Language. She has published a series of articles on ancient grammars. She received a Lithuanian Science Award (1997).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aldonas Pupkis
History and Present of standardisation of the Lithuanian Language
A Lithuanian linguist. Dr. (humanities; candidate of Philology, 1967). In 1962, he graduated from Vilnius University. In 1962-1965 he was a post-graduate student at the University of Leningrad. In 1965-2000 he lectured at Vilnius University, in 1965-1972 he was the Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics; an associate professor (1972). In 1968-1989 he was Editor-in-chief of the periodical journal “Mūsų kalba” (Our Language). In 1990-2000 he was Editor-in-chief of the journal “Gimtoji kalba” (Mother Tongue). In 1997-2008 he was the President of the Lithuanian Language Society.
He wrote a study guide “Kalbos kultūros pagrindai” (Fundamentals of Language Culture, 1980), a study book “Kalbos kultūros studijos” (Studies of Language Culture, 2005), monographs “Andrius Ašmantas: gyvenimas ir kūryba” (Andrius Ašmantas: Life and Works, 2010), “Juozas Balčikonis ir didysis Lietuvių kalbos žodynas” (Juozas Balčikonis and the Great “Dictionary of Lithuanian”, 2013), “Lietuvių kalbos sąjūdis 1968-1988” (Lithuanian Language Movement of 1968-1988, 2016). He wrote a teaching aid “Lietuvių kalbos bendrinė tartis” (Standard Pronunciation of the Lithuanian Language, in co-authorship with A. Paker, 1968, 2004), a book dedicated to A. Ašmantas “Iš lietuvių kalbos kultūros istorijos” (On the History of the Lithuanian Language Culture, 1988), a collection of A. Ašmantas’ works “Tautinis ugdymas ir tautos kultūra” (National Education and Nation’s Culture, 2005, 2006), a book of memories about J. Balčikonis “Dėk žodį prie žodžio – turėsi žodyną” (Add a Word to a Word to get a Dictionary, in co-authorship with B. Goberienė, 2006), a dictionary of place names “Vietovardžių žodynas” (in co-authorship with M. Razmukaitė, R. Miliūnaite, 2002), a dictionary of Kazlų Rūda dialect “Kazlų Rūdos šnektos žodynas” (2 vol., 2008–2009), “Kazlų Rūdos savivaldybės vietovardžiai” (Place Names of Kazlų Rūda Municipality, 2014), a collection of articles “Lietuvių kalbos normintojai ir puoselėtojai” (Standardisers and Promoters of the Lithuanian Language, 2010). He compiled a practical language guide “Kalbos praktikos patarimai” (1976, 1985), “J. Balčikonio Rinktiniai raštai” (J. Balčikoni’ Selected Writings, 2 vol. 1978-1982), “A. Ašmanto Rinktiniai raštai” (A. Ašmantas’ Selected Writings, 1996), a collection of diaries, letters, a bibliography on A. Ašmantas’ “Dienoraščiai, laiškai, bibliografija” (2010).
He was Chief Editor of the book series “Kalbos patarimai” (Language Tips, 2002-2013). He has published articles on the Lithuanian language culture, experimental phonetics and language history, and reviews.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Regina Venckutė
Activity of the Department of Lithuanian Language up to 1990
A Lithuanian linguist. Dr. (humanities; a candidate in Philology, 1972). In 1967, she graduated from Vilnius University (Lithuanian Language and Literature). In 1968-1971, she was a post-graduate student at the University of Moscow. She worked at Vilnius University from 1971 to 2014; an associate professor (1985). In 1989-1995, she taught Lithuanian at the University of Helsinki. The main areas of her scientific activity are general linguistics, history of Lithuanian, and Finno-Ugric Studies.
She wrote a textbook on the basics of scientific language “Kalbos mokslo pagrindai” (in co-authorship with Z. Babickiene, 2013), and has published a series of articles on vowel shifts in the Lithuanian language, language culture, and the linguistic works of A. Baranauskas. She compiled the following books: “Baltistikos ąžuolas: Jono Kazlausko gyvenimas ir darbai” (The Oak of Baltic Studies: The Life and Works of Jonas Kazlauskas, in co-authorship with R. Šimukauskaitė, 2010), “Ką buvo baltams pažadėjęs: Jono Kabelkos gimimo šimtmečiui” (What was Promised to the Balts: On the Centennial of the Birth of Jonas Kabelka, 2014), “Lingvistika– irgi poezija: Alberto Rosino gyvenimas ir darbai” (Linguistics is also Poetry: Life and Works of Albertas Rosinas, in co-authorship with Rosinienė, 2015).

Assoc. prof. Dr. Vilma Zubaitienė
Current Studies of the Department of Lithuanian Language
A Lithuanian linguist. Dr. (humanities). In 2000, she graduated from Vilnius University with an MA in Lithuanian Language. In 1999-2007, she worked for the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language as a senior consultant. In 2001-2007, she was a doctoral student in the Department of Lithuanian Language of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University. In 2007, she defended a doctoral dissertation in human sciences entitled “Pilypo Ruigio žodynai” (Dictionaries of Pilypas Ruigys). In 2008-2013, she was a lecturer in the Department of Lithuanian Language and since 2014 she has worked as an associate professor.
The areas of her scientific interest include synchronic and diachronic lexicology and lexicography, lexical semantics and typology, academic writing, and scientific language. She has taught the following courses at the University: Introduction to Lithuanian Studies (to students of Lithuanian philology), Lithuanian Lexicography (to students of philology), Lexicography (to master degree students of applied linguistics, general linguistics and special (legal) language), Lexical Typology (to students of philology), Rhetoric and Special Language (to students of law), Research (to master degree students of general linguistics ), and Lexical Semantics (to doctoral students). She has taught a course for translators “Standard Lithuanian Language: Attitudes and Usage”. She has published a monograph and two scientific studies, articles in Lithuania and abroad on the history of old dictionaries and grammars, critical editions of two dictionaries of the XVIII-th century, digital publications of old writings, and a study book entitled “Lietuvių leksikografija: istorija ir dabartis” (Lithuanian Lexicography: History and Present).
She has taken active participation in projects, international conferences and international workshops of Vilnius University, the Institute of Lithuanian Language, and the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. She is an expert in the international database “Lituanistika”, a member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics, the association “Academia Salensis”, Association of Baltic Studies (Germany). In 2013, she was awarded the VU Rector Science Prize for scientific achievements. She has been a member of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language since 2017 (delegated to represent Vilnius University), the Chairperson of the Sub-Commission of Dictionaries, moreover, she works in the Sub-Commission for Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation and the Sub-Commission for Textbook Evaluation.
The information is based on https://www.vle.lt/.
© Photos by Vytautas Kardelis